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有源探頭| P6205




產品特點:有源探頭| P6205 The P6205 probe is part of Tektronix' line of Low Circuit Loading Signal Acquisition probes for CSA (Communications Signal Analyzers), DSA (Digitizing Signal Analyzers), 11000 Series and

P6205有源探頭| P6205的詳細資料:

有源探頭| P6205


有源探頭| P6205

  •  DC to 750 MHz
  • 2 pF Input C
  • 1 M? Input R
  • Integral Probe Power TekProbe™ BNC


  • High-speed Digital Systems Design
    • ECL
    • GaAs
  • Component Design/Characterization
    • Amplitude Levels
    • Aberrations
    • Propagation Delay and Timing
    • Bandwidths and Rise Times
  • Educational Research
  • Manufacturing Engineering and Test

Active FET Probes for TekProbe™ BNC Interface

The P6205 probe is part of Tektronix' line of Low Circuit Loading Signal Acquisition probes for CSA (Communications Signal Analyzers), DSA (Digitizing Signal Analyzers), 11000 Series and the TDS family of oscilloscopes.

The P6205 is designed with FET devices for its inputs, which allows very high input resistance values and low input capacitances.

Both Active FET probes provide a wide linear dynamic input range for accessing most digital device families using today's logic voltage levels.

Power for the P6205 is supplied by the CSA, DSA, TDS and 11000 Series mainframes through the TekProbe BNC Interface, eliminating the need for extra cabling and/or external power supplies.

Probe information such as type, serial number, attenuation factor, offset scale factor, input resistance, and termination resistance required is communicated through the TekProbe interface between the Active Probe and the CSA, DSA, and 11000 Series mainframes. This information is used by these oscilloscope mainframes during the scope initialization sequence and measurement analysis.

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滬公網安備 31011402002799號

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