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電流探頭| CT1




產品特點:電流探頭| CT1 The P6041 Probe Cable provides the connection between the CT1 and CT2 Current Transformers and a BNC oscilloscope input. A 50 Ω termination is required to terminate the cable when connect

CT1電流探頭| CT1的詳細資料:

電流探頭| CT1

電流探頭| CT1

Features & Benefits

  • High Bandwidth
  • Ultra-low Inductance
  • Very Small Form Factor
  • Characterize Current Waveforms up to <200 ps Rise Times
  • Very Low Loading of Circuit Under Test
  • Fits Into Dense, Closely-spaced Circuit Designs


  • Data Storage Read Channel Design
  • Silicon Characterization
  • High-frequency Analog Design
  • ESD Testing
  • Signal Injection
  • Differential Current Measurements
  • Single-shot Low Rep-rate Pulse Measurements
  • Propagation Delay Measurement

CT6 Current Probe

The CT6 is the newest addition to the Tektronix portfolio of high-frequency current probes. It is designed to meet the needs of high-speed circuit design and test applications which require ultra-high bandwidth, low inductance, and extremely small form factor. The CT6 provides up to 2 GHz bandwidth when used with high-bandwidth oscilloscopes such as the Tektronix TDS694C, TDS794D, and TDS7000 Series oscilloscopes or with other compatible 50 Ω input measuring instruments. Low inductance (<3 nH) assures that the loading effect of the CT6 on the circuit-under-test will be negligible, which is especially important for today's low-amplitude, high-speed circuit designs such as disk drive read/write preamplifiers. The probe is a closed-circuit design which will accept uninsulated wire sized up to 20 gauge. This product is exempt from CE mark by virtue of its 30 V voltage limit.

CT1/CT2 Current Probes

The CT1 and CT2 Current Probes are designed for permanent or semi-permanent in-circuit installation. Each probe consists of a current transformer and an interconnecting cable. The current transformers have a small hole through which a current carrying conductor is passed during circuit assembly.

The P6041 Probe Cable provides the connection between the CT1 and CT2 Current Transformers and a BNC oscilloscope input. A 50 Ω termination is required to terminate the cable when connected to a high-impedance (1 MΩ) oscilloscope input. One probe cable can be used to monitor several current transformers that have been wired into a circuit.

CT1/CT2. Current Probes with P6041 BNC Probe Cable.


Miniature Construction

The CT1 and CT2 detachable cable design enables one or more probes to be located on circuit boards or in other limited space areas.

The CT6 offers the smallest form factor available, for measurement on ever-shrinking circuit boards and components. It is designed for temporary installation and does not incorporate removable cables, as the CT1 and CT2 do.

Extendible Probe Length

Specified rise time and bandwidth are obtained when using the probe cables provided: The P6041 cable used with the CT1 and CT2 is 42 inches nominal. If additional length is required, the cables can be extended by using high-quality 50 Ω cable and suitable interface connectors. (Also see Special Probe Cables, Optional Accessories.) Long cables may degrade high-frequency response.

High Sensitivity

The CT1 and CT6 provide an output of 5 mV for each milliamp of input current when terminated in 50 Ω. The CT2 provides 1 mV per milliamp when terminated in 50 Ω.

Typical Systems

The CT1, CT2, and CT6 high-frequency current transformers are dynamic (i.e., non-DC) current measuring devices. They are typically used in conjunction with compatible high-bandwidth oscilloscopes and other instruments to observe and/or record high-frequency current waveforms. The CT1, CT2, and CT6 normally operate directly into 50 Ω scopes and other measuring device inputs.

The CT1 or CT2 can be used with 1 MΩ input systems; use the P6041 probe cable and terminate the output with a 50 Ω feed-through termination (see Optional Accessories).

In all cases, the CT1, CT2, and CT6 must work into 50 Ωs to obtain specified performance and sensitivity.


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