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差分探頭| P7313SMA




產品特點:差分探頭| P7313SMA ?>13.0 GHz Bandwidth (P7313SMA only, typical)
?>8.0 GHz Bandwidth (P7380SMA only, typical)
?50 ? Termination Network, Differential SMA Inputs
?Industry-leading Differential Return

P7313SMA差分探頭| P7313SMA的詳細資料:

差分探頭| P7313SMA

差分探頭| P7313SMA

Features & Benefits

  • >13.0 GHz Bandwidth (P7313SMA only, typical)
  • >8.0 GHz Bandwidth (P7380SMA only, typical)
  • 50 ? Termination Network, Differential SMA Inputs
  • Industry-leading Differential Return Loss and VSWR
  • High-bandwidth Differential Amplifier with Excellent CMRR
  • Internal Termination Voltage Generator can be Controlled Internally by the Oscilloscope*1, by an External Source, or Automatically by the Probe
  • Phase-matched SMA Cables (38 inch length, <1 ps skew)with Cable Loss Compensation
  • Switchable Gain for Extended Dynamic Range
  • Auxiliary (Inverted) Output for use with Spectrum Analyzers, Network Analyzers, or as a Clock Recovery Trigger Source
  • TekConnect™ Interface


  • Validation and Compliance Testing of Serial Data Standards including, but not limited to:
    • PCI Express I and II
    • Serial ATA
    • FBDIMM
    • DDR
    • XAUI
    • HDMI/DVI (P7313SMA only)


Tektronix continues to demonstrate its proven leadership in differential probing with a significant addition to our Differential SMA Probe Family. Differential SMA probes are designed for measuring differential signals in a 50 ? signaling environment, providing the ability to convert from a differential SMA signal path to a single oscilloscope input channel. Many of today's high-speed serial data standards employ differential signaling on multiple lanes that are challenging to measure simultaneously on a single oscilloscope. The Tektronix Differential SMA Probes provide the ability to measure a high-speed differential signal on each channel of a multiple-channel oscilloscope. The right oscilloscope can simultaneously acquire up to four high-speed differential signals with the use of four differential SMA probes. As an added benefit, the SMA inputs on the probes connect to high-quality 50 ? terminations that offer industry-leading return loss, a critical specification that is very important in compliance testing as frequencies increase.

Tektronix Differential SMA Probes also provide a common mode DC voltage input to the termination network. The termination voltage can be supplied either externally by the user or internally by the oscilloscope. In addition, there is also an automatic mode that senses the common mode voltage of the input signal and automatically sets the termination voltage to match. The P7313SMA has an extended termination voltage range that makes it ideal for testing differential standards with high common mode voltages like HDMI and DVI.

Taken together, the high-speed differential amplifier, superior 50 ? terminations, low return loss, flexible termination voltage, and quality phase-matched SMA cables create a world-class differential acquisition system when used with Tektronix oscilloscopes.

*1 Not available on all oscilloscopes.

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